Becoming an educator in the creative industry is a goal that I know quite a few of you have! You love to teach, have valuable content to share, and want to help others in the industry grow, just like so many helped you! But how do you market yourself as an educator? […]
Coffee Chats with Kat is a weekly, candid video series with Creative at Heart founder, Kat Schmoyer. Creative at Heart’s mission is to encourage dreams & equip business so in true C@H fashion, Kat’s asked industry experts to do just that! These videos are unscripted & unedited – meant to feel like we’re all sitting […]
We’ve talked about email marketing a bit here on the blog. And you may remember from this post that we’ve mentioned some specifics to create an opt-in for your business. We recently took a whirl at a new method of list building, and wanted to share the ins & outs with you! Creating an Online […]
Ever stared at the blinking cursor wondering how to start your email? Confused with what you should (or shouldn’t) say? Or what about when you should say what you’re supposed to say? Sending an Email to your List doesn’t need to be complicated! In fact, there’s a simple Anatomy every newsletter can follow to […]
So many forms of marketing, so little time. Between Instagram posts, Insta-Stories, Facebook, Blogging, Pinterest, and Email Marketing our heads can SPIN when it comes to planning content for our audience. But there’s one B I G reason Instagram planning is not only a piece of cake, but it’s so much FUN for […]
Should I have multiple Instagram accounts for different brands? If you’re growing a creative small business, you may be in a season where you’re branching into different revenue streams & diversifying your offerings. How do you determine if you should split those brands into different Instagram accounts? Over the past six years, […]