If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent hours making small adjustments to your website in hopes that this will be the one that starts bringing in more dream clients and getting you on track for your big goals. But despite the time you spent searching for tutorials, trying to figure out code, or updating the layout of your home page, you aren’t seeing the return you’re hoping for.
I’m also willing to bet that your website looks pretty. You have great images to share, you’ve been writing informative content, and you’ve tried to make that template your own.
Unfortunately, in a world filled with curated social media and industries that feel oversaturated, your website needs to be more than just pretty – it needs to have a strategy behind it.
If you want to craft a website that truly helps you be seen as an expert, resonates with your dream clients, and supports your big business goals, you need to be strategic in what you’re sharing, how your showcasing your work, and creating a journey that moves visitors from “just looking” to actually booking.
What to Share on Your Website
When I’m designing websites for my clients, I like to keep things simple. Yes, you want people to get to know you and what you offer, but you don’t want to overwhelm them with #allthethings. I’ll be honest: I’m totally guilty of putting too much on a website and my husband is always reminding me that less is more (which is exactly what I’m hearing from people as they review websites for me).
So how can you keep it simple while still giving enough information? Here are a few things to focus on:
- Share the reason why you do what you do.
- Let people get to know you.
- Focus your content and offerings so that you can showcase what you’re best at.
- Give a glimpse into your process and what makes you different.
- Cut out anything that isn’t necessary.
Curating a Portfolio that Speaks to Your Dream Clients
Like I mentioned above, having a portfolio that’s filled with projects that don’t fit your style or your services (even if they used to), is one of the quickest ways to get bombarded with requests for something you don’t actually want to be hired for.
Instead of including every project you’ve ever done, be picky in what you feature. Even if that means that you only have a few projects to share, the quality is more important than the quantity.
- Showcase what you want to be known for.
- Give potential clients a picture of what you can do for them by addressing their pain points and the transformation previous clients experienced.
- Make sure to credit anyone who worked on the project with you. and
- Include a testimonial from your client about their experience and results.
Guiding Your Dream Clients through Your Website
In order to move your dream clients from just looking around your website to actually hiring you, it’s important that you make it easy for them to move through your site and take the actions that will get them where they need to go.
- Decide what you want your website to accomplish for your business and keep that top of mind as you design.
- Simplify your navigation.
- Create a single call-to-action for each page.
Put it into Action
Crafting a website that speaks to your dream clients and showcases your best work takes time. You will have to test and change the layout, copy, and content based on what’s working and what isn’t.
To help you get started, here are three action steps you can take today to make it easier for people to hire you:
- Make sure your business mission is at the top of your home page so that everyone who lands on it knows who you are, what you do, and who you help.
- Remove any projects from your portfolio that aren’t relevant to your current services and style.
- Choose the #1 thing you want someone to do after landing on your website and map out the steps they will follow to get there.
If you’re interested in learning some other updates to start increasing engagement and turning visitors into clients, check out the 5 Updates for a Higher Converting Website !
Be sure to connect with Samantha here:
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