Coffee Chats with Kat is a weekly, candid video series with Creative at Heart founder, Kat Schmoyer. Creative at Heart’s mission is to encourage dreams & equip business so in true C@H fashion, Kat’s asked industry experts to do just that! These videos are unscripted & unedited – meant to feel like we’re all sitting down together at your fave local coffee shop. Sit back, relax & enjoy! ☕
Have you been considering renaming your current biz? 👉
Danait opened up about the process she recently walked through to rename her current business. Fears she faced, insecurities she dealt with, and specific questions she asked herself when determining “next steps”.
I absolutely loved having this conversation with Danait because although we absolutely spoke about her process of renaming her business, her advice on making big decisions in business was powerful!
If you feel you’re facing big biz decisions and you aren’t sure how to navigate it, this is a coffee chat you need to tune in, too!
Watch the video today!
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