How to Create Content Buckets for Your Business - Creative at Heart


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How to Create Content Buckets for Your Business


How to Create Content Buckets for Your Business // Creative at Heart #contentbuckets #content #organization #smallbizmarketing #instagram

“Content buckets” is a marketing term you’ve likely heard a time or two! And while in theory it seems pretty straightforward, creating strategic content buckets can be a little more complicated! In this video, I’m going to share exactly how can you create strategic content buckets in your business – content with a purpose, not just fluff!



First things first, let’s define what a content bucket is: per Rise Creative, “a content bucket is a topic of content that heavily relates to your target audience”.


Content buckets should be direct, to the point, and focused so that they tell your ideal client what they need to know about you, your business, and your offerings (aka – what you sell!).


Thinking practically, your content buckets should show up as Categories on your blog, your Instagram Posting Strategies (on your feed), and Highlights for your Instagram Stories. You want to constantly circle back through your content buckets so that your ideal customer has no question about what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for!


The content buckets in your business need to have a direct correlation to your offerings. That is VERY important and typically the missed connection a lot of business owners make. You might feel like you’re talking until your blue in the face BUT the truth is no one knows your business like you do. Your ideal customer doesn’t know the ins & outs of your services & products – it’s up to YOU to tell them. Constantly!

As you diversify your offerings, your content buckets should naturally grow, change, and diversify, too! It’s a revolving door.


How to Create Content Buckets for Your Business // Creative at Heart #contentbuckets #content #organization #smallbizmarketing #instagram


For example: let’s say you are a web designer and you have three revenue streams in your business.

  1. You offer custom web design
  2. You sell templates in an online shop
  3. You offer coaching to fellow web designers / creatives


You need to have content buckets that speak specifically to each of those revenue streams – each of those “offers” – in your business.


You should have a content bucket that talks about custom web design. Share BTS of custom client sites, a look at your design process, and launch celebrations with your clients! You should have a content bucket that talks about your template shop – showing over & over the templates you offer, why someone should purchase your template, and what having a template from your shop can do for them. AND you should have a content bucket that shares about your coaching services – do quick IG stories before you jump on a call, talk about before & afters of your coaching clients stories & all in all promote your coaching services.


As you can see – those three revenue streams alone give you a LOT of content to share!! Three buckets open up a WORLD of possibility for your blog posts, IG stories, and IG feed posts.


You can then add additional content buckets based on your brand story and business mission. These content buckets should help define your brand personality and be unique to who you are. You may decide you want to have a content buckets around a particular hobby you have (like cooking or essential oils or health & wellness). Or create a content bucket that relates to business and personal life – like motherhood & business or ways you find balance as an entrepreneur. Don’t think TOO hard about these personal buckets – just share about what makes you YOU and your ideal clients will be engaged with getting to know you more!


Here’s an example of how all of these content buckets come into play on your blog & instagram:


By using content buckets on your blog, you ensure that you constantly cycle through various revenue streams and aspects of your brand. If you blog 1x / week and have seven content buckets for your blog, then in a seven week time frame you can have one post for every bucket! During higher booking seasons or launch seasons when you’re trying to really push one particular revenue stream or offering, you can hit hard one one or two content buckets that relate DIRECTLY with that offer! You don’t have to cycle through all buckets equally!


By using content buckets on Instagram, you can quickly & easily batch feed content! Let’s stick with our seven content bucket example – if you have seven content buckets & post daily, then in a week’s time you can touch on every single content bucket!!


Now, you do not have to have the exact same content buckets on Instagram & your blog. I have additional personal content buckets that I share about on Instagram but don’t plan blog content around. Yet, my business content buckets are the same across ALL platforms so that I am constantly telling my ideal customer what I do & who I do it for!


I want to challenge you to sit down & write out content buckets for your business! Start with your revenue streams – what is your offer? What are you selling? And then add one personal / brand personality content buckets that will allow you to continue attracting your ideal customer & having a lot of fun while you’re doing it!


Once you write down the content buckets, dig deeper and write down SPECIFIC content that falls under each category. Remember the example of the web designer I used? She has three revenue streams: custom design, a template shop, and coaching. Those three content buckets each contain DOZENS of specific posts / content she can share!! Brain dump the specific questions / topics you can share that fall under each content bucket and then you’ll be able to fill your blog calendar & IG posting strategy in no time!!  

Leave me a comment below if you have questions about creating content buckets for your biz and don’t forget to take our What’s Your Creative Personality? quiz if you want more customized resources & tips specific to your creative brand & the season of biz you’re in!!

  1. Melanie says:

    Thanks for this! I’m trying to figure out how to organize content buckets into a content calendar/ strategy.
    Are the buckets basically just the TOPICS or IDEAS you want to share and putting all my ideas into that specific bucket? Then I would create content on that topic for a specific avenue (podcast/ blog/ i-gram) ??

    • kschmoyer says:

      Hi Melanie!! Great question – yes, that’s correct!! A content bucket is the overarching theme. An example of content buckets for a photographer would be: “past couples” (portfolio work), “tips for brides” and “tips for other photographers”. Hope this helps! 🙂

  2. I think this is such a wonderful resource! I tried out your suggestions and feel so much more clear on my goals! Thank you so much 🙂

  3. Lisa Garber says:

    Thank you for your clear explanation. I am working on creating a content calendar and was confused by the term content bucket. You clarified it. Thanks again.

  4. Salamah says:

    Thank you for sharing. I never knew what a Content Bucket was until I saw a post about it on Instagram (tho it was hard getting my head around it) until I saw your post. I think I have an idea now but not too clear. I am trying to plan out contents to post on my social media pages for my business.
    We sell hygienically cleaned and packaged food stuffs.
    Would my content bucket be about all the products we sell or just other topics relating to what we sell ?

    • kschmoyer says:

      Hi Salamah! I’m so glad this helped to clarify things for you!! Yes, one of your content buckets should be what you are selling!! Other ideas for you: a content bucket educating your ideal client on the importance of hygienically cleaned + packaged food stuffs, and a “customer story” content bucket with testimonials / case studies of clients!! I hope this helps get your wheels turning! 🙂

  5. Nafisah says:

    This was really explicit and helpful. Started working on it immediately so I could get the best out of it. Thanks so much

  6. I love this, your communication is sharp and to the point!

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